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Keeping Your Sanity Intact

Keeping Your Sanity Intact

These are absolutely unprecedented times for our local communities. You, as a business owner are under many new pressures: Fears of catching COVID-19, Fears of transmitting it unwittingly, kids are out of school, businesses are closed, perhaps a limited cash flow, challenges of figuring out new and creative ways to stay in business, the temptations while you are home to eat and drink too much...

How can you deal with so many pressures without losing your mind? I have some suggestions:

  • The most important thing is to accept the situation for what it is. If you stick your head in the sand and deny what is going on locally, nationally and globally, you will become the problem. There is a global pandemic; your life will be disrupted for some time; you will have to make concessions and sacrifices. When you actually accept what is, you become calmer because you are not wasting energy and personal resources resisting, fighting or being negative...these are huge energy suckers!
  • Once you accept the situation for what it is, pay attention to "those that know" and follow their recommendations. It may seem scary or ludicrous to you, but in following recommendations, you are actually becoming part of the solution.
  • Take care of your health and physical well being. I haven't seen a lot of articles about building up your immune system, but it makes total sense to combat disease by being proactive. The temptation, when you are confined to your home or office, is to get sloppy and eat junk and become a couch potato. Here is a fun resource that I have found helpful to make eating healthy fun. It provides creative and fun ways to get your vitamins through what you eat. And MOVE. Even if you can't go far, or can't go to the gym, you can still take hikes, or walk around your neighborhood. You can create challenges for yourself and your friends...without actually getting too close. Have you considered a Virus Marathon? Two weeks, 2 miles a day and you can easily complete 26.2 can even challenge your friends to join you. Be creative, but MOVE.
  • If you have more time on your hands than you would like, don't spend that time wringing your hands, use them to reach out to those in need. You can do that from the comfort of your home or car... donate to the food pantries online, make yourself available to deliver groceries to those who can't get out. Make a store run for a vulnerable friend.
  • And if YOU are in need of help, ask. Don't suffer alone. The chamber has great resources for your business. If you are having trouble paying your bills, call the company and tell them... many will give you some slack if you ask. If you need food, the food pantries are open.

And most of all remember that this, too will pass. Just breathe... (and reach out if you need help.)

This post was contributed by Marianne Clyde of Be the Change Foundation. The Be the Change Foundation trains and equips women to own their own businesses. Visit their website to learn more.

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