Fauquier County Board of Supervisors Categories Government 10 Hotel Street Suite 206 Warrenton VA 20186 (540) 422-8600 (540) 422-8605 http://fauquiercounty.gov Rep/Contact Info Edwin ''Ike'' Broaddus × Edwin ''Ike'' Broaddus Board of Supervisors / Scott District Send an Email Kevin Carter × Kevin Carter Board of Supervisors / Central District Send an Email Daron Culbertson × Daron Culbertson Board of Supervisors / Lee District Send an Email Renee Culbertson × Renee Culbertson Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Phone: (540) 422-8000 Send an Email Janelle Downes × Janelle Downes Fauquier County Administrator Send an Email Jeremy Falls × Jeremy Falls Fauquier County Sheriff Send an Email Rick Gerhardt × Rick Gerhardt Board of Supervisors / Cedar Lee District Send an Email Renee Graves × Renee Graves Administration / Commisioner of Revenue Send an Email Jim Hilleary × Jim Hilleary Director, Agricultural Development Send an Email Lora Mackey × Lora Mackey Assistant to the Sheriff Send an Email Regan Marshall × Regan Marshall Board of Supervisors / Marshall District Send an Email Eric Maybach × Eric Maybach Commissioner of Revenue Send an Email Adam Shellenberger × Adam Shellenberger Fauquier County Chief of Planning Send an Email Share × Print Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Tell a Friend ×