REC Encourages Businesses to Share Feedback in Commercial & Industrial Survey
Fredericksburg, Va. — Rappahannock Electric Cooperative (REC) values the vital role that local Chambers of Commerce and their members play in driving economic growth. To better serve businesses across our communities, REC invites the business community to participate in a brief survey. If you are a business who receives electricity from REC, REC would like your feedback. The feedback gathered will help REC enhance the value, savings, and reliability that businesses depend on. The survey takes only about
6 Surefire Ways to Grow Your Small Business
For small business owners, the goal is always to grow. But how do you make sure that your efforts are leading to a meaningful impact? Taking steps to boost business growth is essential for businesses of all sizes, and utilizing online software and tools can help ensure a successful journey. The Fauquier Chamber of Commerce is ready to help with these six surefire ways to achieve growth:Use Both Traditional and Digital Marketing Marketing is an important part of growing any business, and utilizing both
How to Use Positive Momentum in Business for Further Growth
The biggest hurdle in running a business is often the first few months or even your entire first year of operating. Launching a business and hustling to acquire a steady stream of customers is not easy, and it might take quite some time before you know for sure if your enterprise can survive in the long term. When you do reach a comfortable level of success, though, you should capitalize on that upward momentum rather than allowing yourself to rest on your laurels. There are a number of things you can do