Fauquier Habitat for Humanity

Fauquier Habitat for Humanity



About Us

Our success is measured in the number of people we can help with the quality of programs and services we provide. These programs are fueled by our dedicated staff, caring volunteers and generous donors like you. We partner with remarkable families to build and improve places to call home. Though our neighborhoods are comprised largely of women and children, they are also the population’s most likely to be affected by poor living conditions. Our Women Build events provide the opportunity for women to take a proactive step in serving their communities. Women Build volunteers from all walks of life have come together to build stronger, safer communities. We create strength, stability, and self-reliance through our homeownership and critical home repair programs, Rock the Block, A Brush with Kindness and specialty builds.

Better, affordable living conditions lead to:

-improved health
-stronger childhood development
-the flexibility--to make forward-looking decisions
-stable homes
-healthy neighborhoods
-vibrant communities

Through shelter, we empower.


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Printed courtesy of www.fauquierchamber.org/ – Contact the Fauquier Chamber of Commerce for more information.
321 Walker Drive, Warrenton, VA 20186 – (540) 347-4414 – mailbox@fauquierchamber.org